Torbjørg Veland
I probably developed ME after a severe infection from a tick bite in the summer of 1992. I collapsed (as in becoming a nursing patient) in November same year. I was a nursing patient in hospital for four months for medical assessment.
I got referred to Haukeland University Hospital and was diagnosed with ME by professor Harald Nyland, Department of Neurology. The diagnosis was according to the Canadian criteria.
Before the course things had been improving, I now had moderate degree. I took the LP-course after a lot of media coverage about it, particularly after we saw Live Landmark tell how well she now was. There was also a girl in the program who had recovered completely from ME. (I assume she’s alluding to a TV program, but it’s not specified)
I took the LP course in Bærum, Norway. It was spring 2009 with Vibeke Hammer as instructor. I struggled through 3 days by very strict discipline and a double dose of painkillers.
I ended up completely brainwashed. After all it was I who “did” ME.
We were not allowed to keep in touch with each other after the course. Not allowed to tell others what the course was all about. Had to make sure that everyone and everything connected to ME was out of our lives. No critical questions, etc. And I learned STOP!!! I went all in – STOP here and STOP there. After all it was my own fault and way of thinking that “made” me ill.
I crashed severely before the follow-up phone call. Severe degree. One and a half years later I still had severe degree. Today it’s moderate to severe. I have to use the wheel chair a lot among other things.
I would never recommend any ME patient to take a course in LP!!!!
The text was first published here:
Lightning Process is harmful to ME patients