Monica Reppen
I got ME in 2009, the diagnosis was made by a specialist and according to the Canadian criteria at Levanger Hospital around 2012. We don’t know why I got ME.
I was recommended the course by a neighbour who had been on the course with their daughter. I took the course at Live Landmark around 2013.
Before the course, we had to accept and believe that this worked before we got to join. When we came to the course, we had to believe that it was we who did ME, and that we were healthy.
As soon as we felt symptoms or fatigue, we should suppress this by going through a process where we would stop this. We were given a card that we brought home and practiced on this.
I was promised follow-up, but didn’t get it. At that time I was abroad for periods of time due to my husband working there on a project, and she was supposed to contact me on Skype, something she didn’t do.
We had to sign that the process had worked, and to not tell about the method to others. I did not receive a copy of this. I got much worse after the course, and now I am housebound.
My daughter also took the course. She was diagnosed at St. Olav’s Hospital by a specialist. She got ME after mononucleosis. She’s been ill since 2008/2009 (15 years old), housebound and often bedridden.
She was in complete despair after the course, and worse.
She received follow-up twice by Live Landmark, and during these conversations she was told to throw all her clothes that she associated with ME, and start again.
I don’t recommend this course to ME patients, at all.