
English blog. Will be updated less frequently than the Norwegian one, and not quite in sync.

Crowdfunding for Dr. David Tuller’s work

Dr. David Tuller, senior fellow at Berkeley, has been instrumental in addressing some of the bad science done by “ME/CFS-deniers” in the past years. Much of the ME/CFS-community is extremely thankful for the efforts he has put in, and continues to put in, to forward the cause of addressing bad science on this topic.

There is now another round of crowdfunding taking place to support Dr. Tuller’s work. If you have anything to spare, and sympathize with the cause around this site, we encourage you to make a contribution. Every little thing helps.

Fundraiser link:

P.S. We don’t have any ties to Dr. Tuller or his work, we just benefit from it and think it’s top-notch!

English section updated

Almost all stories have now been translated to English and added to the site. We are still missing a couple of uploads and a couple of translations, but aside from this, the stories section is now more or less complete.

We owe our hardworking translator, and the proofreader, a great deal of thanks for making this happen. We are working on getting the informational sections translated as well!

Interesting article

We have become aware of a (Norwegian) piece on the site, by FAFO-researchers Kielland and Grønningseter, titled “It’s not Lightning Process the ME-struck are afraid of – it’s NAV” (our translation). (NAV is the Norwegian public work and pensions authority.)

We might differ a little on whether that’s entirely true (we are a bit “afraid” of Lightning Process too), but the basic message of the piece is correct, namely that it’s pretty scary when the work and pensions authority put pressure on ME-patients to participate in a program that can be harmful. (We still maintain that the LP can be quite harmful in itself, which is amply documented on our site.) But a good, professional and supportive piece from these researchers. (use google translate if you want to read it)

What was an extra suprise for us is that is linked in their article. Thanks for this!

About sharing this site

To those of you helping out with putting light on these stories to make the public aware of what’s happening – thank you so much!

We see on the site statistics that the vast majority of references are from Facebook-posts (though we can’t se which posts). Second, a good part are from Twitter, and after that a few references from different sites, articles, blogs and so on.

The point is that it looks as if the most effective approach is to share the site on Facebook, on Twitter, and other social media.

In other words, we need the efforts put forward by all of us to ensure these stories are shared. (we are from our side constantly working on improving the English section of the page to have the same offering as the Norwegian version)

So thank you to everyone, and keep sharing everywhere you can possibly nudge this in! 🙂

2,000 visitors

Since the start of the page, we have had 2,000 visitors altogether, and a display of 14,000 pageviews. We appreciate the interest, and every single visitor who gets to learn more about the material presented on this page. Please keep sharing in all relevant venues. A big thanks to all of you who are helping get the word out!


We’re constantly improving on the English site, as stories and material is translated. We now have the first 17 stories translated and published!

We owe a great deal of thanks to our translating team, and also to those of you who have shared the stories!

We hope the availability of some of this material will mean we reach more people.

If you want to share your own experience about the Lightning Process, you can use this form.

English section

We have now put up a so far reduced English version of the site. A big thank you to our volunteers who are helping translate the page. You are currently on the English site. To switch to Norwegian, use the flag in the menu, or click here 🙂 is launched

Today, we launch, a site with stories from those who have had bad experiences with Lightning Process, as a response to the one-sided presentation from the community around LP.

In addition to these participant-stories, we are putting forward some introductory material on ME/CFS, Lightning Process, Recovery Norway, which will in brief be a concise introduction to the issues at hand, from a somewhat more skeptical view than those who run the programs. (Note: these are not translated to English yet).

We hope this site can be a resource in public discourse, and look forward to contribute to this.